This outing was spring of 2004, first time use
of Proline 2" hybanker dredge combo.
This is in a Gulley here in the Finger Lakes Region
of New York State. This outing was 8 Hours,
and the vial show was from that day. Every
one says there is no Gold in New York State but here is
the proof.
Finger Lakes Region Of NYS
Nice going James! I'm believer now. Novice prospectors take note: work the cracks in bedrock and in and around broken slate or slabs like James here. These formations act as natural riffles in the stream much like a sluice box. Skip the overburden and get down to where the gold is. This is especially important if time is short like on a 1 day outing. James has been entered into our free drawing - send us your pics and stories and we'll enter you too.