Came across this interesting image while surfing the net. It's good to see our elected officials enjoying our hobby too. Now if they could just relax all these mining restrictions too - ah dreaming..... ---- Gold Fever
Gov. Napolitano discovers two 'Arizona Treasures' here
By Kevin Cloe, Wickenberg Sun Publisher
Picture: Arizona Governor Napolitano and Mayor Badowski pan for gold.
"Who knew?"
Gov. Janet Napolitano kept asking that question Saturday (Feb. 5) when she visited Wickenburg.
First, she asked the question at Robson's Mining World, located 20 miles west of Wickenburg. Then it was at the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in downtown Wickenburg.
"Who knew?"
Well, the governor's purpose for visiting the two local tourist attractions was to let the rest of the state know about them. They are included in the governor's new Arizona Treasures tour, which brings attention to the state's various attractions and encourages its residences to visit those areas.
The two attractions in Wickenburg kicked off the campaign that initially includes about 20 different cities and towns throughout the state.
"I will be traveling to a wide variety of tourist destinations and special events throughout the state," the governor explains on the new Web site www.arizonatreasures.gov. "I hope my Arizona Treasures Tour will remind you of places in Arizona that you have wanted to visit or help you discover some hidden treasures to add to your summer vacation plans.
"From river rafting and cowboy poetry to skeet shooting and candy making, Arizona offers something for everyone," she adds.
At Robson's Mining World, where the re-creation of an old mining town is combined with picturesque bed-and-breakfast hotel accommodations, owner Jeri Robson guided the governor on her first tour of the Mining World campus. The tour even included hands-on gold-panning, where Napolitano excitedly recovered a sliver of gold.
The governor was greeted at Robson's by a group of local residents who were attending the 50th wedding anniversary celebration for Wickenburg Town Councilman Dave Lane and his wife Ruby. That gathering included Councilmen Jim Girard, Bill Johnson and John Cook.
"Who knew?" she declared as she expressed her delight of her new Arizona discovery.
Earlier, Mayor Ron Badowski greeted Gov. Napolitano at the Wickenburg Municipal Airport with his accordion and a rendition of "Roll Out The Barrel." After acknowledging that she had never received such a reception, she asked for an encore and led her entourage in a sing-along to Badowski playing "Home On The Range." The mayor then joined the governor in the tour at Robson's and the museum.
Gov. Napolitano helped open the reception at the museum's 45th birthday event that features works of Remington and an exhibit called "Who Really Wore the Pants in the West: Arizona Cowgirls Now and Then."
After the governor greeted the small crowd at the reception, Museum Director Royce Kardinal took her on a tour of the museum's various exhibits. She was particularly surprised by the Cowgirl exhibit, where she expressed her glee upon seeing a young Rose Mofford as a cowgirl. Mofford eventually served as Arizona's first governor ... and Napolitano is the third.
"Who knew?"
Enroute to the two venues, Gov. Napolitano reviewed how the Arizona Treasurers tour stops would be featured on the Web site and in the state-owned Arizona Highways magazine.
She explained that Arizona offers a wide variety of attractions and will encourage - through the Arizona Treasures program - the state's residents to visit those areas instead of traveling out of state.