This is the only book on the market which has concise, informative descriptions and directions to the gold site. Researched in the field, on the rivers, dredging and hand panning the many water-runs of California. MAPS with directions to the gold site are very accurate. Rare-earth metals are the new fortunes to be discovered.
Old mine dumps hold forgotten gold minerals that were overlooked. After the spring rains have washed the gold from the surrounding hills, California's gravel and sand bars hold the gold placer in it's cobble grasp. Dredging, rocker sluicing, hand panning, nugget sniping, metal detecting and high banking are the 'fun' tools that get the nuggets to show up. Nothing prettier than the sight of a ring of gold nuggets shimmering against the background of black magnetite in the gold pan. It is said by experts that only 20% of the gold has been wrestled from California's ancient river beds. Platinum, jade, silver, diamonds and a host of rare-earth metals are the elixir mixture of the gravel beds.
Managing Editor, Marlene G. Holt has this to say;"A book of this magnitude with maps, information and directions to the gold sites will be forever a source to the Motherlode Country and to its adjacent back country gold placer sites. A memorable guide for the recreation prospector." With maps on almost every page showing the gold sites that can be visited. This book truly is the gold searcher's dream come true. Most US Forestry and BLM FREE-USE sites are easily accessible from adjoining camp sites and road proper.
The high country of the High Seirra's see practically every season receiving tremendous amounts of rain and snow-melt off racking the hills, foot-hills and canyons of their gold particles sending these into the nearest water-run. MAPS on almost every page with directions to the gold site. Roads, trails, camp sites.
Federal Forestry, State Forestry and Bureau of Land Management FREE-USE gold mining sites indicated on the hand drawn MAPS. Geological, noble, rare-earth metals. Rivers, water-runs with placer gravel locations. Old mines, ancient basins, Tertiary placer river gravel indicated. Rules and regulations for State, Federal and BLM agencies governing dredging, hand panning, metal detecting, gold sniping and rocker sluicing.
Delos Toole, spent most of his life searching for the elusive gold in one form or another and in the course of doing this, Delos Toole crossed the out back of California many times over. During his many encounter with fellow prospectors a need for a better book came to light. A book that would provide exact maps to the gold site. A book that would provide geological information that the lay-man could understand. To the point without flowery play on words. A prospector's book that would do justice to the prolific narrator and word of mouth praises. Delos Toole, International - World Famous Author; Explorer, adventurer, searcher of Lost Treasure and Buried Loot, seeker of forgotten Ghost Towns, pursuer of ancient Old Spanish Trails. Gold and rare earth mineral prospector, gold vacuum dredger, miner and common geologist Emeritus.
Author of numerous articles for the gold mining, rock hound, metal detecting, adventure, gold prospecting trade magazines. Author of four "Where To Find Gold....." books in print with several to follow in the near future. Artist, author, publisher, distributor of his very own books. Amateur ham radio operator, amateur astronomer, neophyte fossi paleontologist and climber of Mount Whitney, California, (the east side). Retired researcher, developer, fabricator of part and parcel of prototype galactic vehicles for the space industry. Delos Toole has created six remarkable books for the prospector and recreational gold seeker which they can depend on for accuracy, entertainment, reliability and informative.
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