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Bucket Wobbler - Classify Easier! - (SOLD OUT)
Bucket Wobbler - Classify Easier! - (SOLD OUT) Bucket Wobbler - Classify Easier! - (SOLD OUT)
Bucket Wobbler - Classify Easier! - (SOLD OUT)
Item #:wobbler
Regular price:$16.95, 2/$30.00
Availability:Contact us for availability
Product Description:
The bucket wobbler makes classifying your material a snap. No more twisting and endless shaking. Save the bottoms of your buckets and more importantly your back with this inexpensive tool. Assists you with the task of classifying your material.

This product fits on the bottom of any standard 5 gallon bucket. The rounded bottom helps to reduce the amount of muscle needed to rock the bucket back and forth and side to side while using your classifier screens!

11” diameter.

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