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Gold was found in Alaska as early as 1848 in Kenai River, on a peninsula with the same name, by a Russian mining engineer. After the United States purchased "Seward’s Folly" and miners had left the disappointment of mining in the Cassiar gold locations, gold was discovered southeast of Juneau around Windham and Sumdum Bays. Major lode veins were found near Juneau in 1880.

For more information you should see U. S. Geological paper # 610. This paper describes 43 mining districts that produced more than 10,000 ounces or more. The total gold production as stated in this paper is 29,225,071 ounces.

There are so many gold localities in Alaska that the U. S. Geological paper is not enough. You can also use U. S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigations Resource Map MR-32 and Lode Gold and Silver Occurrences in Alaska. Also MR-38 Placer Gold Occurrences in Alaska.

Many large areas are withdrawn from mineral entry, so be sure to check before mining.

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Cook Inlet - Susitna Region, Alaska

This sizable region is bounded by the Alaska Peninsula on the southwest, the Alaska Range on the west and north and by the Talkeetna Mountains on the east.

Anchorage District

Archangel Creek

At the head of Archangel Creek there are many are lode gold mines, so it is reasonable to assume that there may be placer gold in the creek.

California Creek

California Creek and its tributaries contain placer gold.

Crow Creek

Crow Creek and its tributaries contain placer gold.

Eagle River

Many placer and lode gold mines on the Eagle River. Check the quadrangle for the precise locations of the Golden Light, Kempf, Lucky Shot, Panhandle, Thorpe, War Baby, Willow Creek, Arch, Archangel, Bluebird, Fern, Gold Quartz, Mogul, Moose Creek, Northwestern and many other lode and placer gold mines.

Fishhook Creek

At the head of Fishhook Creek there are many area mines, this was a productive lode area, so it is reasonable to assume that there may be placer gold in the creek.

Girdwood Creek

Girdwood Creek contains placer gold.

Glacier Creek

Glacier Creek and its tributaries contain placer gold.

Haines, Alaska:

Enjoy Guided Gold Panning at Porcupine Creek. The setting for several seasons of the Gold Rush tv show.

Porcupine Creek is just 34 miles out of Haines Alaska. The historic mining district of 1898 has recently gained fame from the Discovery Channel's hit TV show Gold Rush: ALASKA. Follow Haines Highway through the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve, then cross over the Klehini River onto the historic Dalton Trail. The trail was used in the late 1800's to transport cattle and gold miners to the Klondike Gold Fields in the Yukon, at which time Porcupine Creek had its own gold rush.

more info: http://hainesalaskatourguide.blogspot.com/2013/07/rainbow-glacier-adventures-is-sharing.html

Metal Creek

The lower end of Metal Creek is said to contain placer gold.

Peter Creek

Many placer and lode gold mines on Peter Creek. Check the quadrangle for the precise locations of the Golden Light, Kempf, Lucky Shot, Panhandle, Thorpe, War Baby, Willow Creek, Arch, Archangel, Bluebird, Fern, Gold Quartz, Mogul, Moose Creek, Northwestern and many other lode and placer gold mines.

Winner Creek

Winner Creek contains placer gold.

Girdwood District

The Girdwood district is a minor producing district that was founded in 1896. There are many hard rock mines that produced lode gold, so it is assummed that placer can be found here too.

Hope District

The district was primarily a lode gold district.

Kenai Peninsula District

A few streams in the Kenai Peninsula district yield gold.

Moose Pass District

This district was a lode gold district.

Nuka Bay District

Nuka Bay district is in the extreme south part of the peninsula. The Nuka Bay Mines Company, Nukalask Mining Company, Rosness & Larson and Skinner Mines all produced lode gold in this district. There were many old lode mines in this district.

Seldovia District

The Seldovia district is at the south end of the peninsula on the Seldovia USGS quadrangle. There were many old mines here (eg. Alley, Mills & Trimble, Alaska Hills, Little Creek and others). Most mines were lode mines.

Sunrise District

The district was primarily a lode gold district.

Turnagain Arm District

Turnagain Arm district is a seaway district south of Anchorage in central and north parts of the peninsula. Along Turnagain Arm, there were many small placer operations. There were also many hard rock mines, especially around the head of Crow Creek. Along Mills, Canyon, Falls and Cooper Creeks placers were discovered in 1896. These placer are very rich. along Crow, Resurrection, Palmer, Sixmile and other creeks, draining into the Turnagain Arm from the north part of the peninsula had rich placers.

Valdez Creek District

This district is about 125 miles south of Fairbanks by air. It consist of the drainages of Valdez and Clearwater Creeks. The Tammany Channel was a buried ancient river chanel of Valdez Creek and was discovered in 1904. The placer were very rich and extensively hydraulicked. There are several old lode mines in the area.

Willow Creek District

NE of Wasilla by road and 21 miles northwest of Palmer, is the Willow Creek district. The area above Matanuska in the upper end of Willow Creek at the head of Cook inlet, is the second most productive lode gold area in Alaska. There were very many rich lode gold mines.

Yentna - Cache Creek District

This district is on the southeast slopes of the Alaska range. Along Dollar, Thunder and Willow Creeks there are very rich placers. Nugget Creek was also a rich producer. The Yentna River upper drainages and tributaries, Cache, Mills, Petter and Long Creeks all had rich placer gravels.

Copper River Region Alaska

The copper river region includes most of the Copper River drainage in southern Alaska. It is bordered by the Alaska Range to the north and by the Chucach Mountains on the southwest and by the Wrangell Mountains on the northeast.

Chistochina District

Near Gulkana in the northwest part of the Copper River Basin is the Chistochina District. The Chitna River and its tributaries Miller Gulch, Slate Creek, Big Four Creeks contain placer gold. The tributaries of the Chistochina River contain placer gold and platinum. Eagle Creek, Slate Creek, Granite Creek, The Slana River, Grubstake Creek, Slope Creek and most of the creeks around the village of Slana contain gold.

Copper River District

North of the Copper and Chitina rivers is the Copper River District. It embraces the watershed of the south slopes of the Wrangell Mountains, especially along the streams feeding into the Copper River, below the mouth of the Chitina River. Very many lode mines along the Bremmer River. The placers along the Bremmer River, Golconda Creek, Mineral Creek, Berg Creek, Nugget Creek, Quartz Creek and Porcupine Creek have all had rich histories.

Nelchina District

Albert Creek and the area streams in the northwestern part of the district all contain placer gold. Fall Creek and most of the streams in the southeastern part of the distirct contain gold.

Nizina District

The Nizna River and tributaries contain placer gold. Dan Creek, Chititu Creek, Young Creek and Canyon Creeks contain placer gold. Golcanda Creek is said to be real good. There is fine gold in all the streams that drain the Chugach Mountains. Dan Creek produced real well, over 144,000 ounces of placer is said to have come from this creek.

Prince William Sound District

The streams draining the area lode mines around Valdez contain placer gold. The streams near Port Nellie Jaun all contain some placer gold. The Lowe River, east Port Valdez and Beach placer at the southwest end of Middleton Island contain gold.


The White River and its tributaries contain gold. The beach placers near Yakataga are said to be real rich.

Interior Region Alaska

The interior region of Alaska is the area that drains the Yukon River. It is a very large area and contains some of Alaska best placer ground. The area between Eagle, on the border of Canada's Yukon Territory, to Tanana, almost 500 miles away being the most productive gold producing areas. USGS bulletins 872 and 907, covering the Yukon Tanana Region are great sources of information. The region has produced around 13,000,000 ounces of gold, mostly from placer sources.


The Bonniefield district is about 60 miles from Fairbanks and includes the Kanishna and Valdez Creek areas. This area has long produced some excellent placer gold. This was an important mining center extending from the Tanana Flats on the north and south to the north slopes of the Alaska Range, on the east by the Delta River and on the west by the Nenana River. Look at the Healy, Mt. Hayes, Fairbanks and Kantishna quadrangles. Liberty Bell, Moose Creek and Spruce Creek Placer mines were very rich. The California Creek and the Prospect Mining Company Placer mine were also in this area and produced well. The Forth of July Creek Mine was another important placer locality. The area along gold King Creek had placers that have been worked since 1903. Along Eva Creek, the placers, especially near the Liberty Bell Mine were worked. On Caribou Creek you can find some nice gold. Along Marguerite, Moose, Platte and Portage Creek are also good spots.


The Chandalar district is the area around the upper drainage of the Chandalar River. It was discovered in 1906 and had placer production through 1959 of 30,708 ounces. The area along Big, Dictator and Little Squaw Creeks had very many rich placer mines. Many area lode mines.


The Chena District is about 70 miles east of Fairbanks. Along Palmer Creek, is the location of the Palmer Creek Placer Mines. It produced rich gold deposits in Scheelite.


The Chulitna district is centered around Cantwell on Highway 3, just east of the Mount McKinley National Forest. The upper reaches of the Chulitna River had very many lode mines and contains placer gold.


The Circle district is northeast of Fairbanks and produced around 706,000 ounces of gold. The area along Birch Creek was very productive. Most of the creeks and terrace gravel contains placer gold. Along Mastodon Creek was also very rich.


The Donnelly district is about 40 miles South of Big Delta. About a half mile south of Rapids Roadhouse, along Gunnysack Creek had some rich placer deposits.


The Eagle district is just west of the Canadian Border. Along Seventymile, American and Forth of July Creeks there were some rich placers. Also along Alder , Barney, Woodchopper and Crooked Creeks produced well. Most of the other creeks in the area contain placer gold. Some creeks worth investigating would be Eagle Bluff, Tweedon, Lilliwig and Copper Creeks.


The Fairbanks district is a large district, but was the principal gold producer in Alaska. Most of the streams surrounding the city contain placer gold. From Treasure Creek to Lower Fairbanks Creek, about 20 miles long by 1 mile wide, contains some real good placer gold. Along Pedro creek, Cleary, Gilmore, Goldstream, Engineer, Dome, Ester, Vault, Cleary and Chatanika Creeks all had a rich history of gold production. In Skoogy Gulch, upper Cleary Creek and along Fairbanks Creek there were many old lode mines.


Many of the creeks in this area contain gold.


Healy district is south of Fairbanks. Around the headwaters of Nenana River there was some nice gold found. Also Chute Creek, Kansas Creek and Glory Creek all contain gold.


The Iditarod district is located between latitude 62 degrees 10 minutes and 63 degrees 0 minutes N and longitude of 157 degrees and 30 minutes and 158 degrees and 30 minutes W, along the upper drainage of the Iditarod River and its tributaries to the lower Yukon River. It was the second most important gold district in the Interior Region. It produced around 1,300,000 ounces of gold, mostly from placers. All regional streams contain placer gold with cinnabar, copper, lead, stibnite, tungsten and zinc minerals. Along Otter Creek, which was the original placer discovery site in 1908, there are some rich placer deposits. Along Flat and willow Creeks, there were immense placers worked by dredges and other heavy equipment. The Donlin Creek, Flat Creek, Garnet Creek, Glen Gulch, Golden Horn, and Malamute Creek mines all produced lode gold with placers in the creeks as well.

In closing let me say that to list all the gold deposits in the Interior region would be almost impossible, but I have tried to give you some ideas where to start. If you have a suggestion for others please feel free to email me an let me pass it on.

Kuskokwim River Region Alaska

This large region is 400 miles long and 100 miles wide. The land is at sea level for the most part. It is the drainage basin for the Kuskokwim River and its tributaries lying south of the Yukon River. Place gold was discovered along the Kuskokwim River in 1898. Mining of the area was not in full bore until 1908. The total production through 1959 was 640,084 ounces of gold.

Aniak District

The area drained by the Kuskokwim River and its tributaries above Bethel as far as and including, the Stony river is covered in this district. The Tuluksak River, Bear and California Creeks and their tributaries near Nyac contain placer gold. The Salmon River and its tributaries, including Marvel Creek contain placer gold. Canyon Creek, a tributary of the Kwethluk River is a placer producing Creek. The Crooke Creek Basin, including Donlin Creek and Snow Gulch contain placer gold. The George River and its Tributary, Julian Creek contain placer gold. Murray Gulch and New York Creek are rich in placer gold. The upper Holitna River Basin, including Taylor and Fortyseven Creeks contain placer gold.

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Bethel District

The are that drains the Kuskokwin River, below Bethel and by streams flowing into the Baird Inlet, Etolin Straight and Kuskokwim Bay as far south as , but excluding Carter Bay make up the Bethel District. The Arolik river and its tributaries contain placer gold. Along Rainy Creek and its tributaries you can find gold.

Georgetown District

At the mouth of the George River, a tributary of the Kuskokwim river, between latitude 62º00' and 62º15' N and longitude 157º15' and 158º15' W, had a total production of around 14,500 ounces of placer and lode gold. On the Sleetmute USGS quadrangle, all regional stream gravels, bench deposits and buried channels contain placer gold. Along the George River, especially it tributaries of Donlin and Julian Creeks, you will find some very rich placer ground that has produced well since 1909. On the upper reaches of the George River are some of the other rich placer deposits. In the central part of the Kuskokwim valley, about 45 miles South of Iditarod, in the Yukon River Valley there are some more rich placer deposits.

Goodnews Bay District

This is the richest area for platinum mining in North America. It is along the Southwest coast of Alaska between latitude 59º00' and 59º40' N and longitude 160º40' and 162º00' W. It had a total production of 29,700 ounces of placer gold. All the regional streams contain placer gold. Along the Arolic River the placers were discovered in 1900 and intensively worked until 1947. In Goodnews Bay, small indentation on Bearing Sea Coast on East side of Kuskokwim Bay, about 125 miles south of Bethel, all the regional tributary streams contain high grade placer gold with platinum group metals. Along the Goodnews River, along its full length, little prospected for placer gold, but it is very rich. The Goodnews River and its tributaries contain placer gold. Bear Creek contains placer gold. Whattamuse Creek, Slate Creek, contains abundant placers. The Salmon River and its tributaries, Fox Gulch, Clar and Dowry Creeks contain placer gold. In Platinum Creek, as the name says, you can obviously find more that gold. Heh heh.

McGrath District

The area drained by the Kuskokwim River, above Stony River makes up the McGrath District. Candle Creek was very productive in the early years and still produces today. Moore, Hidden and Ruby Creeks all contain gold.

McKinley District

There are productive placers in each of the following mining camps: McGrath, Medfra, Nixon Forks, Stirling Landing, Ophir and Takotna. They are all close together in the east part of the Kuskokwim Valley. The McKinley district on the Mt. McKinley, McGrath and Ophir USGS Quadrangles. In the area of Nixon forks there are many lode mines.

Stony River

South toward Goodnews Bay, across the Hoholitna, Holitna and upper Aniak rivers, on the Russian Mission and Bethel USGS Quadrangles, is an area that has not been explored extensively. The area has uncounted placer gold areas in stream and bench gravels. The area also shows potential for placer gold.

Tuluksak-Aniak District

The district was named for its two main rivers and comprised their drainage basins. It is between latitude 60º30' and 61º30' N and longitude 159º00' and 161º00' W on the Russian River Quadrangle. In the Innoko and Holitna Rivers, discovered in 1900, large scale placer operations have been conducted. Bear Creek area of the Tuluksak watershed and in the gravel deposits of the Aniak River there is good placer gold. The total production in the district was 230,555 ounces of gold.

Northwestern Alaska Region Alaska

This large, mostly unpopulated region lies North of the Yukon River Drainage basin and the Seward Peninsula and includes the drainage systems of the Kobuk, Noatak and Alatna rivers, where most of the gold districts are located. Because almost all access is by air, if you are interested in prospecting this region you must be well financed and be able to live off the land in the remote regions of Alaska. The total recorded production of 23,000 ounces is from placers.

Kiana District

The Kobuk River Valley and all it tributaries, a large region on the Ambler, Kiana and Shungnak quadrangles make up the Kiana District. All regional stream, sand and gravel bars have placer showings, but have had little prospecting performed on them. The gravel deposits of the Squirrel River, especially it Klery Creek tributary had numerous placer and are most profitable for today's gold hunter. . Agnes, Klery, Homestake and Central Creeks produced placer gold real well. On Jade Creek you can find gold laced Nephrite Jade.

Noatak District

This district is the area drained by the Noatak River and by coastal streams between its mouth and the Wulik River. The best bet in this district is Lucky Six Creek, which was rich in gold.

Selawik District

This district is the base of the Baldwin Peninsula and that area drained by streams flowing into Selawik Lake and Eschscholtz Bay, between the Kobuk and Kauk Rivers. Little explored, this district in the southeastern portion of the Baldwin peninsula and the area draining into Lake Selawik, has only reported gold mining operation. It was on Shovel Creek, a tributary of the Selawik River was very rich in this region. It began production after the second War and ended in the early 1960's.

Shungnak District

The district is located in the Kobuk River Valley, between latitude 66º50' and 67º10' N, longitude 156º50' and 157º25' W. It is on the Shungnak USGS quadrangle. The total production from 1898-1955 was 10,000-15,000 ounces. Almost all of the placer gold produced by this district came from the drainage area of the Cosmos Hills above the valley of the Kobuk River. Most the production was from Dahl Creek. There were many area placer workings in and about the community. Along Wesley Creek, 6 miles west of the Dahl Creek Tremollite mine, near the head of the creek, there were some very rich placers. North of Shungnak 10 miles is the location of the Aurora Mountain, Riley Creek and Ruby Creek lode gold mines. Northeast of Shungnak 40 miles, the Shishakshinovik Pass Mine, produced lode gold. West of Shungnak 50 miles, in the valley of Ambler River there were very many rich placer workings. California and Lynx Creeks were also rich in placer gold.

Prince William Sound Region Alaska

Prince William Sound is on the southern coast of Alaska east of the Kenai Peninsula and is mapped on the Valdez and Cordova USGS quadrangles. This is the famed area where the oil tanker "Exxon Valdez" ran aground and caused the worst environmental catastrophe in United States History, by spilling some 10 million gallons of crude oil. Within the restricted area between the Chugach Mountains on the north and the waters of the sound lie the notable gold and copper mining centers of Port Wells, Port Valdez and Ellamar. Between 1894, when placer gold was discovered near Valdez, through 1956, a total of 137,600 ounces of gold was produced from lode and placer sources.

Cordova District

On the Cordova USGS quadrangle is the Cordova district. North of Cordova 5 miles is the Wilson Point Mine, which produced lode gold. East southeast of Cordova 20 miles is the lode gold mines of the Bear Creek Mining Company, Lucky Strike Mining Company and McKinley Lake Mining Company.

Ellamar District

On the Cordova USGS quadrangle is the Ellamar district. In the Ellamar district you can find many old lode mines.

Latouche Island District

On the Blying Sound quadrangle you can find many old lode mines here.

Passage Canal District

You can find numerous old mines that produced lode gold.

Unakwik District

You can find may old mines that produced lode gold.

Valdez District

In the Valdez district there were many old lode mines.

Seward Peninsula Region Alaska

The Seward Peninsula is the westernmost extremity of North America and second only to the Yukon-Tanana region in the production of placer gold, largely from the rich concentrations in the sands of the Bearing Sea beaches at Nome. Although gold was discovered as early as 1855, nothing was done about it until 1898, when the Nome district was organized. The total production through 1959 was recorded as 6,060,000 gold ounces, all but about 10,000 ounces being from placer operations.

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Bluff District

Bluff is on the Solomon quadrangle. If you go west of Bluff 7 miles, on California and Coca-Cola Creeks you will find some very rich placer ground. On Daniels Creek, along the entire course, you will find many old placer operations. Also where Daniels Creek runs into the Beach is very rich. North of Bluff on Eldorado and Sweede Creeks, there were some excellent placer discoveries.

Bonanza District

Near Unalakleet, is the Bonanza district. All regional streams contain placer gold.

Coarse Gold District

Coarse Gold district is located about 70 miles north northeast of Nome, on the Teller quadrangle. This was an old placer district that produced some nice gold.

Council District

This district is in the south part of the peninsula, including all drainage of Golovnin Bay extending east almost to the Tubutulik River. It was discovered in 1865 and had a total production of about 588,000 ounces of placer gold. It is on the Solomon USGS quadrangle. Along Aggie Creek, a tributary of the Fish River, there were some rich placers. Along Crooked Creek and Benson Gulch, a tributary of Melsing Creek, there were some rich placers. Along Ophir Creek, discovered in 1896 and was the most productive in the district, extremely rich placers were worked. All the Creek gravels and bench deposits in the drainage basin of the Niukluk River, including Ophir, Melsing, Gold Bottom, Warm, Camp, Mystery and Elkhorn Creeks produced rich placer gold. All along the Fish River and Slate, Iron, Wheeler, West, Flynn, Spruce, Post, Daniels and Koyana Creeks there were lode mines, but the placer gold in all these creeks is very rich. Along Crooked Creek and the Inmachuk River there were rich placers. The Casadepaga River and its Tributaries produce nice gold for the GPAA I hear.

Fairhaven District

Near Deering, in the Fairhaven district, including the Candle and Inmachuck districts, 40 miles long immediately south of the Kotzebue Sound, between latitudes 65º40' and 66º10' N, longitude 161º40' and 163º20' W on the Candle USGS quadrangle is the Fairhaven district. On Old Glory and Hannum Creeks, the initial placers were discovered in 1900. On Candle Creek, the richest placer creek in the district, discovered in 1901 and produced 379,200 ounces of placer gold. Along Bear Creek and the Inmachuk River there were many productive placers. Up the Kiwalik River, the area gravels produced placer gold. Along Quartz Creek and on Gold Run, there were some rich placers. A few miles below mouth of Quartz Creek were some very rich placers.

Koyuk District

This district is located in the southeast corner of the peninsula, between latitude 64º55' and 65º40' N, longitude 160º20' and 162º00' W, including drainage of the Koyuk River, on the Candle USGS quadrangle. Along Alameda and Knowles Creeks were some placers operated since 1900. At Dime Landing and Haycock area creeks had many rich placers. All other regional creeks and in bench gravels, especially along Monument Creek you can find open cut operations for placer gold. Between Little and Dry Creeks, extending a considerable distance with extensive dredging operations for placer gold.

Nome District

This district is in the south-central part of the peninsula, between latitude 64º25' and 64º57' N, longitude 165º00' and 165º30' W, on the Nome USGS quadrangle. More than half the gold in the Seward Peninsula has come from the Nome district. Around 4,000,000 ounces of placer gold has been found. The Nome River placers were discovered in 1897. Anvil Creek and many other area creeks produced placer gold. Sands of the Bering Sea beaches, most profitable of the entire district, was some very rich placer gold.

Port Clarence District

The district contains about 200 square miles at west end of the peninsula on the Teller USGS quadrangle. The Bluestone and Agiapuk River Basin had many productive placers. Grantly Harbor area most streams contain gold.

Solomon District

The area lying along south side of the peninsula between latitude 64º30' and 65º45' N, longitude 163º30' and 164º30 W, on the Solomon USGS quadrangle. Almost all the streams contain placer gold in this district.

Taylor District

This district in the central part of the peninsula, between latitude 65º10' and 65º45' N, longitude 164º20' and 165º20' W, on the Teller and Bendelben quadrangles is the Taylor district. Along The Kougarok River, near mouth of Henry Creek, near head of River, especially on Macklin Creek and tributaries, there were many rich placer discoveries. In the south part of the district in the Coffee Dome area, along Iron and American Creeks there are more rich placers.

York District

In the York area there are many productive placers.

Southeastern Alaska Region Alaska

The total gold production of the Panhandle region between 1880 and 1959 is recorded as 7,788,514 ounces of gold. Almost all of that came from lode mines. There are way two many lode mines for me too type in on this region, so I will try to list the areas where placer gold can be found. If you are interested in the lode mines you can find them on the 13 quadrangles that cover the southeastern district.

Juneau District

Most of the placer gold in the region has come from the Juneau district. Porcupine Creek was a great producer of placer gold. Clear Bear, Glacier, Cahoon, McKinley, Cottonwood, Nugget Creeks and Klehini, Salmon and Takhin Rivers have produced good placer gold. Gold Creek and Last Chance Basin near Juneau were productive for placer gold. Windfall, Montana and McGinnis Creeks, between Juneau and the Eagle River were productive. Spruce and Powers Creeks and the Chuck River near Windham Bay had some placers. The beach placer near Lituya and Yakutat Bay contains gold.

You report Gold Creek and last Chance Basin as near Juneau but in fact Gold Creek is in town. Runs right through town actually. Headed there this morning to do a little panning and a little sluicing. Mostly placer and small nuggets there, but last summer a guy found a 3/4 ounce nugget. Last chance basin is reputed to produce more/bigger gold but haven't tried yet as it is quite a hike. Montana creek produced nothing, but flour for me, but I know this old guy who says... Well you know the rest.

Southwestern Region Alaska

Aleutian Islands

On Unga Island in the shumagin Group, is the location of the Apollo Consolidated Mine. It operated from 1891 until present, with a total production of 107,900 ounces of lode gold with lead, copper and zinc.

Bristol Bay

Along the upper reaches of the Mulchatna River and its tributaries produces placer gold.

Katmai National Monument

All areas outside monument boundaries, in gravels of streams flowing into Iliamna Lake contain placer gold.


West coast beaches and tributary lode deposits contain gold.

Topknot of North America Region Alaska

The Arctic slope of Alaska lies within the Polar Zone, some 600 miles east and west by 150 miles north and south, sloping from the foothills of the brooks Range to the Arctic Ocean. This area is know mostly for the great oil discoveries at Prudhoe Bay. Very little prospecting has been done due to climatic conditions.

Anaktuvik Pass

The area on the north slopes of the Endicott Mountains has numerous mineralized outcrops, with tremendous lode gold possibilities, with likelihood of placer deposits in regional watercourse and bench gravel deposits.

Opilak River

This is located South of Barter Island and along the main river and presumably in the gravels of its tributary streams there is placer gold. Hard to work due to climate, but is said to be very, very rich.

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